Lessons That You Learn When You Travel

Beautiful girl sitting on swing in the beach house on Maldives

iStockphoto by Anna_Om

Travel indeed offers a great learning opportunity. Apart from learning a few phrases in a different language or learning about a new culture, travel imparts far more important values and lessons in an individual. Significantly, it helps build positive character and can influence your view of life. The lessons from traveling often occur in the most bizarre of times. While some are practical and physical, others could be mental or emotional. Regardless, they all have lasting effects.

Travel inspires a sense of wonder and discovery, and there’s an entire world of things to do and people to meet. You could explore a forest or walk down a new street. Try a different cuisine or learn about another culture. When you travel, you never stop learning.

An outstanding primary lesson you will learn is how to be comfortable doing uncomfortable things. 

Leaving your familiar routine to explore an unknown destination takes a lot of courage - and leaving your comfort zone.

That being said, when you travel, you will learn: 

To adapt

Things won't always go as you have planned them as there will be surprises and bumps in the way. When you travel, you'll learn how to adapt to harsh conditions and become familiar with unfavourable situations without losing your calm. You will often need to deal with problems without getting completely stressed out. Traveling teaches you how to improvise, compromise and to not sweat with the little stuff. Thinking creatively is a major life lesson you will gain from traveling the world.

To be patient

You never know your limit or how far you could go until you're stretched. Waiting for your turn on long cues at the airport or a tourist site can be stressful but it's a valuable lesson in patience. You’ll likely encounter many small frustrations on your journey. Dealing with these frustrations patiently boosts your morale and at the end of your trip, you’ll be able to deal with almost anything.

To value experiences over material possessions

One of the greatest lessons you’ll learn through travel is that we need very little to be happy. You are most likely to learn this lesson even before you travel. If you have to cut down on your spending to save up for your trip, you'll see that your best feelings don't come from the things you can buy or own but the experiences and memories you are able to create. Also, when you have to pack so lightly and bring only the essentials, you rely more on your experiences for pleasure.

To welcome uncertainty and embrace spontaneity

As rigid as your plan might be, to enjoy the fullness of travel, you will have to ease off and go with the flow. No doubt you have enough rules in your home life, so take the time to do stuff out of your books. Find your impulsive side. Drifting is one of travel’s best pleasures. Instead of making a strict plan, just drift and see where it takes you.

To find beauty in little things

We sometimes fail to see how special something is until we travel. The sun rises and sets everyday but it is mostly only when we travel that we notice its beauty. Travel offers a new perspective. It's moments like these that teach you that the good things are always around you and you'll learn to never take them for granted.

To be kind and humble

When you open yourself to learning through travel, you will realise just how small your footprint is in our enormous world. You will understand how lucky you are and how much you may take for granted in your daily life. You may also often encounter acts of kindness and generosity from strangers who have far less than you. Travel quickly teaches the value of kindness and humility.

That being alone is not a bad thing

Traveling solo could sometimes get lonely. On the other hand, being alone also gives you time to reflect on your experiences. You won’t be distracted by outside opinions and you also won’t have to deal with conflict of interest and activities.

To smile more

Although it’s always good to learn a few phrases in the local language, smiling is a universal communicator. Sometimes you won’t always be able to get your point across or make conversation with people as you travel around the globe. The good news is, you always have gestures you can use. One of them is smiling and it’s the best way to show people that you’re approachable. Frowning, on the other hand, does not.

There is a lot to learn when you hit the road. The above are some of the outstanding lessons you have learnt or will learn. When you’re away from everything and have all that time to yourself, you’ll be surprised how zen you feel. You are more receptive to new experiences when you are alone and it can be one of the most transformative experiences in your life. Probably the most important lesson of all that comes from traveling is that you are more powerful than you thought.


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